Monday, July 28, 2008

La Opinion-a response to paper's misrepresentation of Obama's words

Aggie Hoffman

Appearing in La Opinion today is my letter, significantly redacted. Those of you who read Spanish will see that it lacks the punch of the submitted content. Disappointing.
Further below is the article (with translation) to which I was responding.

Obama en Israel

Aggie Hoffman, Los Ángeles, California

Barack Obama y el artículo en La Opinión ("Obama critica nuevo asentamiento", del 25 de julio de 2008) demuestran ignorancia respecto a las obligaciones que existen bajo el derecho internacional, relativas a las conversaciones de paz entre los israelíes y palestinos.

Obama acusa a Israel de violar el "espíritu de los acuerdos previos" con los palestinos, pero los palestinos no han hecho nada para cumplir con el texto de sus obligaciones según la hoja de ruta. Obama declara que cada parte "tiene que ceder algo", pero no nota que la Autoridad Nacional Palestina (ANP) no ha cedido nada. Al Sr. Obama le falta una lección de historia. En primer lugar, Cisjordania no es territorio palestino. Es sólo un territorio reclamado por los árabes como suyo. Antes de caer en manos de Israel, durante la guerra de 1967, Cisjordania estaba ilegalmente ocupada por Jordania, como resultado de su rechazo de la decisión de partición de Palestina (entonces bajo el mandato británico) por la ONU. Cuando Jordania ingresó a la guerra con la meta de destruir a Israel, perdió ese territorio. La resolución 242 de la ONU habla de la devolución de "territorios", no de "los territorios", como parte de una paz negociada.

En segundo lugar, el presidente George W. Bush y la Unión Europea continuaron en busca de la paz, creando la hoja de ruta, un documento basado en acciones e impulsado por logros. La hoja reconoce que "el incumplimiento de las obligaciones impedirá el progreso".

Barack Obama and the report quoting him (Obama critica nueva asentamiento , 25 julio 08) demonstrate ignorance of obligations under international law impacting the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. Obama faults Israel for violating "the spirit" de prior agreement while the Palestinians have done nothing to comply with the letter of their obligations. Obama declares that each party "must give up something," but is unaware that the Palestinian Authority (PA) has given up nothing. Mr. Obama needs a history lesson.

First, Transjordan is not Palestinian territory. It is only land that the Arabs are claiming as theirs. Before it fell into Israeli hands during the 1967 war, Transjordan was illegally occupied by Jordan as a result of its rejection of the 1947 UN partition of British controlled Palestine. When Jordan joined in a war to destroy Israel, it lost the area to Israel. UN resolution 242 calls for return of "territory" not "the territory" as part of a negotiated peace.

Second, The 1993 Oslo Accords sought to settle the conflict , but even after dedicated mediations by Pres Bill Clinton, Yasser Arafat rejected the offer made by Israel, and started the 2000 Intifada, unleashing a campaign of suicide bombings. [This paragraph was omitted]

Third, President George W. Bush and the European Union continued peace efforts by, drafting the Road Map, a performance-based and goal-driven document. It recognizes that "Non-compliance with obligations will impede progress."

The Road Map calls on the PA to recognize Israel's right to exist, but the PA charter still calls for the destruction of Israel. Phase I of the Road Map calls on the PA to arrest terrorists and dismantle the terror infrastructure. The PA is also obligated to stop incitement against Jews, a practice prevalent in its media, mosques, and schools. Only when this has been accomplished, is Israel required to move forward with issues of "settlements." [This paragraph was omitted]

Ignoring the PA obligations, Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, dismantled countless roadblocks and checkpoints, and took down many outposts. What has the PA given in return? Nothing more than daily rockets launched at Israel. [This paragraph was omitted]

Obama critica nuevo asentamiento en Cisjordania [Obama criticizes new settlement in Transjordan]\Top-Headlines_es\20080725\MOR-GEN-ISRAEL-OBAMA.xml&cat=topheadlines_es&subcat=&pageid=1

Barack Obama criticó la construcción de un nuevo asentamiento israelí en el territorio palestino de Cisjordania. [Barack Obama criticized the construction of a new Israeli settlement in the Palestinian territory of Transjordan.]

En una entrevista publicada el viernes en el periódico en inglés Jerusalem Post, Obama dijo que "la construcción agresiva de asentamiento parece violar el espíritu, aunque tal vez no la letra", de acuerdos previos. [In an interview published on Friday in the English language Jerusalem Post, Obama said that "the aggressive construction of the settlement appears to violate the spirit, if perhaps not the letter" of prior agreements.]

Obama dijo que si Israel quiere conservar tierras en la Margen Occidental del Jordán por razones de seguridad, debe "tener en cuenta si conseguir ese amortiguador compensa el antagonismo de la otra parte". Para obtener algo, ambas partes "deben ceder algo", acotó. [Obama said that if Israel wants to keep land in the West Bank for security reasons, it needs "to take into consideration whether such buffer is worth the antagonism of the other party." In order to gain something, both parties "must give up something," he noted.]

Los palestinos dicen que las construcciones israelíes en Cisjordania atentan contra las posibilidades de paz. El jueves, una comisión israelí aprobó el nuevo asentamiento, lo que provocó críticas internacionales. [The Palestinians say that Israelí contstruction in Transjodran counters the possibility of peace. On Thursday, an Israeli commission approved the new settlement, which provoked international ciriticsm.]

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